Michael Henderson , Cultures AT Work

Michael is a co-founder of Cultures AT Work a Corporate Anthropology practice, which pioneers ways to unlock the power of company culture to create, high performance and engaging workplace cultures.

Michael was born in the U.K, raised in Africa, educated in New Zealand and works internationally. He has a degree in anthropology from Auckland University. He has continued to expand and deepen his knowledge of culture by, studying tribal and, organisational cultures in more than 40 countries. He has supported and advised on over 300 organisational culture transformation projects including; Coca Cola, Vodafone, Canon, Microsoft, McDonalds, Lion Nathan, Canon, The New Zealand Rugby Union, High Performance Sports New Zealand,The Australian Navy, and multiple government departments. 

Michael is acknowledged as a pioneer in his field introducing simple and high effective insights and methods to   to unlock the power of culture in all types of organizations. He is a best selling author of 9 books on culture leadership and values and delivers (on average) 70 keynotes a year, on the impact and benefits of mastering company culture, and working with human values to optimise workplace performance and experience.

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