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Values-Based Leadership
AVIs to Date: 36293 Minessence International Cooperative Ltd
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Our Vision is to make a substantial positive contribution to the creation of a society where all people can live meaningful fulfilling lives.

Our Mission is to work together through values-centric processes for the benefit of society by:

  1. Being a professional organization for Values Consultants;
  2. Fostering the development and mutual understanding of a language of values in society;
  3. Instigating and coordinating leading-edge values-centric projects to develop people, organizations, and communities;
  4. Providing a low cost, easily accessible infrastructure (the Minessence Values Framework), to facilitate values learning; and
  5. Functioning as a financially sound, socially responsible cooperative.

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Release-190319 - Copyright © 2015-2025 Minessence International Cooperative
Ph: 61-(0)7-3803-5809 - Mobile: +61-415-149-644
Minessence Learning Centre, PARK RIDGE, QLD 4125, AUSTRALIA
10 February, 2025