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AVIs to Date: 36340 Vision & Values
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To make a substantial positive contribution to the creation of a society where all people can live meaningful fulfilling lives.


Research and Pioneerism. To research and understand the principles that underpin the "nature of things". To boldly go where no one has gone before.

Minessence. To take complex ideas and/or technologies and simplify them so as to benefit others.

Prophet and Vision.
To pass on to others our vision of how a better society can be created through: Acceptance, Commitment and Conscious Living (ACCL).

Collaborative Individualism. To engage in the transformation of society through both individual independent action and cooperative action, bound together by a commitment to the mission and vision of our collaborative enterprise.

Technology and Science. To make ACCL accessible throughout the world through using best practice science and technology.

Tradition and Convivial Technology. To understand and respect existing cultures and to work, progressively, in harmony with them.

Values of the worldwide cooperative movement

We recognize the importance of our values being in strong alignment with the values of the worldwide cooperative movement, namely: Self-Help, Self-Responsibility, Democracy, Equality, Equity, Solidarity, Honesty, Openness, Social-Responsibility, and Caring-for-Others.


Our Mission is to work together through values-centric processes for the benefit of society by:

  1. Being a professional organization for Values Consultants; *
  2. Fostering the development and mutual understanding of a language of values in society;
  3. Instigating and coordinating leading-edge values-centric projects to develop people, organizations, and communities;
  4. Providing a low cost, easily accessible infrastructure (the Minessence Values Framework), to facilitate values learning; and
  5. Functioning as a financially sound, socially responsible cooperative.

* NOTE: People who have been accredited to use the Minessence Values Framework

Active Membership Requirements

A  member must—
Pay one of the following annual subscriptions:*

  1. Developer Subscription. For those licensed to accredit others in using the MVF and who wish to be part of the team responsible for the ongoing development of the MVF and applications which depend on the MVF for their operation. These people have a vested interest in the stability and development of the MVF. (Subscription rate yet to be determined)
  2. Practitioner Subscription. For people who wish to maintain their MVF Accreditation. ($150 AUD pa)
  3. Associate Member Subscription. For people who support the primary activity of the cooperative and are not using MVF-based values technologies with others—They may use the MVF-based technologies for their own personal development. ($75 AUD pa)

* NOTE: These are the subscription classes at the time of cooperative formation. They may be varied by rule alteration by special resolution at an annual or special general meeting. For more details please see our Rules.

The formation meeting for the Minessence International Cooperative Ltd was held 5 December 2014, at 8am AEST at our Learning Centre. The Approved Rules were accepted by the members present. On 30 January 2015, we received our registration from the Government.

Foundation Members:


  • Only people who have been Accredited to use the Minessence Values Framework can join as Practitioner Members.
  • From 2015 onwards, only people who are Practitioner or Developer Members will be able to have their own AVI Website for use with clients.

To submit an application to become a Member of the Coop, go to:

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Release-190319 - Copyright © 2015-2025 Minessence International Cooperative
Ph: 61-(0)7-3803-5809 - Mobile: +61-415-149-644
Minessence Learning Centre, PARK RIDGE, QLD 4125, AUSTRALIA
12 March, 2025