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AVIs to Date: 36318 MVF/AVI Accreditation
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Accreditation is a four Stage process. The stages are detailed below. There's no need to do all Stages. Stage II (which includes Stage I) is the most popular option. NOTE: In order to access the MVF resources for use with others, you must be a member of the Minessence International Cooperative Ltd, all who are accredited to use the MVF are eligible for Coop Membership—cost: $150 pa or $13.75 per month via direct debit.


STAGE I—The Values Dimension of Personal Coaching

Stage I, as a standalone accreditation program, is only available to Accredited Personal Coaches, Counsellors, Psychologists, etc. People wishing to use comprehensive AVI Reports generated from the Minessence Values Framework (MVF) must complete both Stages I and II.

Delivery method: one-half day workshop or 1:1 online coaching via GoToMeeting

  1. Complete the online AVI
  2. Participate in one day “Using Values in Personal Coaching” workshop (6 hours) or equivalent online via GoToMeeting
Course Outcomes: By the completion of this programme...
  • You will have an increased understanding of your own values
  • You will be able to use the AVI Report: Setting Meaningful Objectives (SMO) with individual clients.
  • You will be able to use Cmaps and other tools to help your client’s understand the interrelationships and impact of values in their life.
  • You will have access to necessary resources and support in an area of the Minessence website exclusively for accredited AVI consultants
  • You will have an introductory/working understanding of the structure and principles underpinning the AVI
  • You will have your own Mission Control on the Minessence Group website
  • You will have completed Stage I of the AVI accreditation process
STAGE I & II—The Minessence Values Framework

Delivery method: 1:1 online coaching via GoToMeeting 12 hours or 2 day workshop

Includes Stage I Accreditation program, plus...

  1. Complete the Full AVI Workbook for yourself and with 'pilot' clients
  2. Participate in two-day Minessence Values Framework (MVF) workshop (12 hours) or equivalent online meeting sessions
  3. Debrief 'pilot' client AVI Reports with course facilitator

Outcomes: By the completion of this program...

  • You will have a deeper understanding of yourself
  • You will be competent in using AVI Reports with clients
  • You will have a comprehensive understanding of the structure and principles of the Minessence Values Framework
  • You will be competent to discuss aspects of validity and reliability of the AVI and associated processes with other professionals, including executives and HR specialists.
  • You will be competent to use the AVI in Group Development/Team Building processes
  • You will have completed Stage I & II of the AVI Accreditation process.
STAGE III—Using the MVF/AVI for Team/Group & Leadership Development

Delivery method: 4 day workshop or equivalent 1:1 eMentoring via GoToMeeting

Includes Stages I & II

Ideally, you come to this stage of accreditation with a small client group with whom you wish to work. Under the guidance of your AVI mentor coach, you will “learn by doing” as you work with your client group.

Outcomes: By the completion of this program...

  • You will be competent to use the AVI in Group development / Team building processes
  • You will have a deeper understanding of creating team & group organizational strategies from measured shared values including vision/mission initiatives, values based job and task profiling, values based performance appraisal and other applications in organizational settings
  • You will be competent to discuss aspects of validity and reliability of the AVI and applications of the methodology with other professionals, including senior executives and HR specialists.
  • You will have access to necessary resources and support in an area of the Minessence website exclusively for accredited AVI consultants
  • You will have completed Stage III of the AVI Accreditation process
Stage IV—Using the MVF in Organizational Development, Merger & Acquisitions and other broad scale system applications.
The cost and content of Stage IV Accreditation is negotiated with your MVF mentor/coach and is based on contracted custom design & consultation.
  • Each stage includes the fee for your personal AVI training report, and all materials & online follow-up professional support
  • Stage III requires having a small group to work with.
  • We recognize and value prior learning (RPL). if you believe you have a case for us to RPL for any stage of this program, please provide details to back up your request.
Contact for Accreditation
To obtain more details, please phone +61 7 3803 5809 or email us.

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28 February, 2025