Minessence International Cooperative Ltd - Established in 2015. Our Members are world leaders in the development and support of
AVI - The AVI (A Values Inventory) is used internationally by individuals
and organisations:
- To assist in career choices
- As an adjunct to recruitment processes
- In organisation wide values programs - reductions in staff turnover of 25% have
been reported
- As an aid to strategic planning, scenario planning and in creating meaningful
corporate vision and mission statements
- By practitioners of ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) and ACCL (Acceptance, Commitment
and Conscious Living) - a core component of ACT and ACCL, is the exploration of,
and commitment to, one's values
- In team building/team development - effective teams are ones where there is diversity
of membership bound together by the "glue" of a strongly held set of shared values.
- In corporate stress reduction programs - it's amazing how stress levels drop when
we are clear about our values and consciously committed to them.
International Team - There's an international team of people accredited to
use the AVI. Click here to locate the nearest person to you.
MissionControl - The international team of AVI Accredited Consultants are
supported by a web-based system known as MissionControl. From MissionControl
they can perform all functions necessary to use the AVI with individuals, groups
and corporations. For example: group codes can be created - these then appear
automatically in a drop-down-list when people are completing the AVI online;
automatic notification is sent to a Consultant each time a person completes an
AVI at their dedicated online AVI website; AVI reports can be produced, by the
Consultant, directly from MissionControl; and much more.
Books and Other Resources - Support to people working with values is also provided through a range of award-winning books written by CO-OP members.
These include: New Wisdom II: Values-based Development - Colins & Chippendale;
Finding True North - Henderson (winner of the Ashton Wylie Book Award 2004,
this book is the 'bible' for proponents of ACT & ACCL); Leading through Values
- Henderson, Thompson & Henderson (an international best seller in the corporate
You are welcome to...
- Become accredited so you can use the AVI to conduct values audits of your organisation, undertake values-based team building, enhance your mentoring/coaching skills, etc.
- Become an Associate Member because you support our
Vision & Mission.